“Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, consists in surrendering oneself in the manner of a slave to Mary, and to Jesus through her, and then performing all of our actions with Mary, in Mary, through Mary and for Mary”, Saint Louis de Montfort, The Secret of Mary, Number 28
The History of Consecration
Consecration to Jesus, through Mary, is a devotion of the Catholic faith. Forms of personal consecration date back to the 5th century.
St. Louis de Montfort, a saint with immense devotion for Our Mother, established a form that had a 33 day preparation period of prayer and reflection before making the formal "Act of Consecration". Also called "True Devotion to Mary" or "Holy Slavery", this consecration does not diminish or substitute the love of God, but enhances it, for all consecration is ultimately made to God.
Many popes, saints, and religious communities promote this act aside from St. Louis de Montfort: Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Pope Leo XIII, and orders such as Carmelites, Cistercians, and Benedictines. Our Blessed Mother brings us to Her Son, magnifying Him ever more through this set of meditations.
The consecration itself is 33 days of prayer, reflection, and examination of self. It usually is begun 33 days before a Marian feast date, so the Act of Consecration is made on a celebratory Marian day.
1st step: Choose your Marian feast day
* On leap years, start date is February 21.
2nd step: Order your book
Step 3: Prepare a Holy prayer space with prayer cards, religious articles, pens, highlighters and your bible.
Step 4: Print your certificate and consecration prayer (double-sided).
Step 5: Begin on your starting day with day one, one day at a time until you end on your 33rd day. Consider using the daily meditations found below. (Do not get discouraged if you miss a day, just catch up and keep going).
Step 6: Plan how you will spend your consecration day. Sign your certificate. Share your experience with your family and friends. Let us know about it how it tojesusthrumary143@gmail.com.
When you have completed your 33 days, wear a blessed chain bracelet as an unspoken part of Marian Consecration, many wear bracelets as a symbol of their prayerful consecration. It may sound strange to some, however, when we look at our wrists and see a bracelet there that 'never comes off', it's a reminder that we are 'enslaved' to the love of Jesus, through our Mother. Here is an example of what you might look for.
How to lead a consecration group in your parish
Consecration Meditations
A Daily Companion on your Journey to Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Each meditation begins with our song "Heavens Queen", the song is inspired by Saint Louis De Montfort.
If you would like a copy of the music, "Heavens Queen" , print it and share it with your choir director, musical friends or just for you to learn, then you can teach your children or grandchildren.
God bless you all as we promote Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary in the great footsteps of Saint Louis De Montfort!