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Mary Our Mother and Queen
It's been a little over a year since I started following along with Heart of Mary's daily posts. Right away I noticed a deeper connection to our Mother Mary, from a totally different perspective. Our sweet Mama Mary had always seemed this far away and out of reach person. Through HOM's consecration class last fall, I began to grow so much closer and to relate to Mary on a totally different level. Then, in a writers' meeting, someone suggested we do a study on Mary, and I jumped on the idea. She's not this un-relatable, unreachable, far-away lady, she WANTS us to relate to and reach for her. I loved learning more about and getting closer to our sweet Mother while I wrote this study, and I hope it brings everyone who reads it closer to her, too. Love, Mandi
Study Posts
The history of the rosary began with Saint Dominic, a famous preacher. His goal was to teach people the truth about Jesus.
Our Lady of Fatima has been said to have been foretold in Revelations, and Mary had set requests she made of mankind through the three children she visited.
I’m not the type of person that can just whip out a free-form prayer at the drop of a hat.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patron Saint of the Americas, and her feast day is December 12th. When people first started coming from Europe to the New World, they sought gold, religious freedoms, and conversions of the natives.
If we want to be as holy and grace-filled as possible, what better way than to imitate our dear sweet Mother Mary?
February 11th is the Marian Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This apparition was so important, and is so special that our Church has dedicated an entire feast day to it.
I have always been very fascinated by the Marian apparitions. It’s just so overwhelmingly awesome to think that there are so many people with the wonderful faith and fortune to have witnessed our dear Mother appear in person.
Often, when I’m saying my prayers or praying a decade of the rosary before bed (those nights you just can’t get to sleep? Try a decade of the rosary; it’s so peaceful and calming, it helps me almost right away!)
There are many reasons to pray the rosary. It is cathartic, it’s simple to keep track of, and best of all, Mary offers fifteen promises to those who pray the rosary.
“A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars...”.
Today we’ll continue on with the fourth through seventh sorrows of Mary. Let’s jump right in.
For all the joy and love in Mary’s life, it is hard to forget the immense sorrow and pain she also endured for her son and for us, her spiritual children.
In doing my research for writing this study, I have to admit: I was a little overwhelmed. There is SO MUCH to know and learn about our Mama Mary
What do Sarah, Rachel, Esther, and Abraham all have in common with Mary? While they weren’t all alive at the same time, there is a remarkable symmetry between each of these Old Testament figures and Mary.
Holy moly, sisters! We’re here! The last day of this 3-week long study has arrived, and I hope that you’ve learned and loved as much along this journey as I have.