Praying with the Psalms
Welcome to this study of "Praying With the Psalms". It has been rightly said that the Psalms are a "School of Prayer." They not only provide us with models to follow, but inspire us to voice our own deepest feelings and aspirations. New American Bible Saint Joseph Edition
Study Posts
I once had a job I loved and that I was particularly good at. In the first few months of my employment there, I had stumbled upon the cause of some of our network issues and had quietly gone about fixing them.
Have you ever found yourself at the point of despair? Where you feel you are barely hanging on, your fingernails digging into the edges of a spiritual precipice and you have nowhere to go.
Are you familiar with C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia? Do you remember the story, The Magician’s Nephew, in which a young boy named Digory, along with his friend Polly, travel across the worlds?
Ten Ways to Find Happiness Right Now!
Are You Happy? Take this quiz and find out!
Is the Key to Happiness in Your Back Pocket?
You’ll forgive me if I start out today’s reflection with a cursory glance at the nature of recent news headlines and the culture at large.