The Jesse Tree
A day by day journey to Advent
Every year I anticipate Christmas like a little kid does. My husband laughs at how ridiculously giddy and happy I get this time of year. It's not just for Christmas Day though, it's the preparations, the decorating, the traditions and the quality time spent with others. This time of year is about preparing for our Lord's birthday. Christmas is the ultimate birthday, but instead of just preparing all of the decorations and favors, aka the gifts and house decorations, we have to prepare our minds and hearts too. One way we can do this is with the Jesse Tree.
I know, I know, when I hear Jesse Tree and relating it to my adult life, I kind of scoff at the thought of it. But, we are called to have a childlike faith, and what better way to get ready for the ultimate birthday party than to prepare with the heart of a child. Now stop for a minute, we the writers of Heart of Mary are in no way going to treat you like children. And we, are in no way going to make this a ‘children’s study.’ We fully intend to still make this about our preparation for the best Christmas gift.
So, what is a Jesse Tree? Jesse Tree helps us connect the tradition of decorating our Christmas Trees with the events that lead to the Birth of our Lord and Savior.
It actually originates from Isaiah 11:1
“A shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”
Jesse was the father of King David and is often looked upon as the first person in the genealogy of Jesus. OUR GENEALOGY. The ornaments/images that are paired with each day are branches of our history. They are branches of who we are and are the root of our faith. The images and ornaments represent people, prophecies and events leading up to the birth of Jesus. These ornaments also tell the story of God from the Old Testament, and connect it to the Advent season and how God has been faithful thousands of years later.
They show how deep our roots grow and how deep our faith is. So, for a little kid, this is just a story. But for you and me, this is our faith. This is our life. The Jesse Tree is who we are. So, will you dive into preparing for the Lord’s birthday with me by learning more about who we are? Are you ready to see how God is ever so faithful?
God bless you-Elizabeth
The Study

Can you feel it, the anticipation? Is your heart aching for the Savior to arrive this evening?
Our societies circumstances— the 2016 Presidential Election being only one of them— has left many communities and families feeling unwanted, unloved and sometimes beyond redemption.
I love watching the sunrise. I remember how I would walk out to the campus on my way to Daily Mass and see the sun rising up in the east.
Have you ever looked at the stump of a tree? They are utterly lifeless, and kind of sad. When the tree is first cut down, the stump serves as a kind of shock.
Back when I was in college, I wrote an essay on the name of God for my philosophy class, using Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Contra Gentiles as my main source.
I love watching trailers to movies. The purpose of a movie trailer is to give the audience a sneak preview of things to come.
One of my favorite movies to watch during the Advent and Christmas season is The Nativity Story.
Ask anyone in my family to describe me and I bet the word “quiet” wouldn’t pop up, except as a joke. I’ve always been loud, freely shared my thoughts and opinions, and been quick to complain to others if I feel I’ve been wronged.
Growing up, I had to make sure that EVERYTHING was even and equal if my sister and I were both given something.
In praying recently through my normal levels of anxiety, and bemoaning God why He hadn’t healed me of this cross yet, I realized something.
The story of Samuel has always intrigued me, even as a child in Sunday school.
When I reflect upon this story, I often think of the cute, animated movies that I’ve seen regarding Moses. He’s chubby, smiling, and wrapped up ina sparkling, white blanket.
The story of Joseph is a familiar one to me, as a cradle Catholic. It’s a long narrative about a beloved son with jealous brothers.
Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough, or that you have to pretend to be someone you’re not in order to get ahead or feel holy?
Raise your hand if change is easy for you, you value the very idea of letting go of your “norm” and finding something totally new totally easy to adjust to.
Sometimes I feel really impatient with a project and just slam my laptop shut, and have to walk away. Other times, a paper isn’t going the route I had expected, so I delete and start over.
Have you ever thought about yourself being clay in the potter’s hands?
The story of our creation as man and woman is a story of love. We can only understand this story once we understand something about God.