Fruit of the Holy Spirit // Love


Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

God created each of us in His likeness without miscue. He took delicate care when He designed each of us. He gave us hearts that fill with love and overflow with care. He gave us arms in which to hold children, husbands, and friends. He gave us mouths in which to speak kind and uplifting words. But,he also gave us all unique faces, shapes and sizes and made not one of us alike. In these differences also comes another God-given gift; free will.

It is here you will find where our experiences mold us to exercise our free wills independent of one another. It is here you may find your neighbor is not-so-friendly or your co-worker may not have your best interest at heart.

In our minds, there may not be rational reasons for why people lash out and intentionally hurt us, but it is a great disservice to our own well-being if we perpetuate those actions. We do not know their struggles or indiscretions and we cannot control the manner in which they find comfort. What we can control is how we respond. We are given a choice, or maybe a challenge, to find Christ in all situations.

He is here with us every step of the way, isn’t He? Isn’t that what we choose to believe? Isn’t that what our beautiful faith teaches us?

If we have the ability to see Christ in all things, the good and the bad, we also have the ability to love as Christ loves.

A dear friend once told me,

“You don’t have to LIKE the person, you just have to LOVE them.”

This verse alone sums up that opinion justly. For me, it takes a concerted effort to love as Christ loves. General human nature, my natural defenses, and my pride would rather hit back than step back and exercise one of my greatest God-given gifts: the ability to love. And, truly, what a gift it is!

How have you recently bestowed love upon another who seemingly didn’t deserve your kindness? How did you reconcile that love was the best way to approach this person?

To Jesus through Mary- Tiffany

Image by Alyssa Marie Francis

Image by Alyssa Marie Francis