Soul Saturday // The Christian Wallet
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Hello sisters :) I am not one to read books on budgeting much but God showed me this book when getting another one (it popped up in the things I’ d like section) and boy I did ;)

Today I am going to review “The Christian Wallet”by Mike Slaughter!

I had never heard of this book or author before reading it but it is tremendously insightful! It will have a permanent impact on how I view spending from now on!

So much so that I put a little sticky note attached to my debit card to keep in mind the most important points and one by my bedside in case of **cough cough mindless internet shopping**! One section talked about how we can be more mindful of the environmental and worker impacts our shopping (for anything) has on the world. For example, after I read this book I looked in my closet and to my dismay I noticed..all of my barely 30 pieces of clothing come from developing countries.I have to wonder what the conditions were for these workers :(

Have we failed to recognize our own poverty in the comfort of our wealth?

That was an eye opener for me sisters! The author quoted the gospel of Matthew and stated.  

The eye is the lamp of the body; if you are healthy your whole body will be full of light

Matthew 6 

He also notes that we worship the created instead of the creator - bank accounts are proof of this. We need to start realizing that every spending decision is a spiritual decision because you positively or negatively display and utilize your values to yourself and others and children! We have to be the gospel before others will see it. Jesus didn’t come on this planet just to get us into Heaven.His purpose is to first get Heaven into us and then the resources of Heaven into the world through us.

He continues on by stating that work is an act of worship. God will use our work investment to enhance the life of others. God doesn’t define success by how the world does - our paychecks are not what counts. He goes on to say that if your dreams are from God you can tell because; they will honor God, bless other people, and bring you joy. Success isn’t the key here; significance to the Kingdom of God is. We are here in a partnership with God to to be part of the economic well-being of God’s planet.We should want to work to honor God.

He continues on to talk about our relationship in our communities and neighborhoods and how many of us don’t even know our neighbors name when the bible clearly states we are to love our neighbor as ourselves! He states real love takes more than donations or handouts of money- it takes time, time to get to know one another! Starting with your neighbor is a good place!

Finally, the most important point I took away (that is attached to my debit card with a sticky note) is; All money is Gods.

1. Why am I spending?

2. Whose money is it that I’m spending?

3.What are God’s priorities in my spending?

This book was incredibly impactful and eye opening and there is something beneficial for everyones situation! I highly recommend it :)

Happy reading and have a blessedSaturday sisters :) To Jesus through Mary - Ally Hynes