Romans Day 18 // You are Worthy

A Conclusion of Romans

Oh my dear sweet sisters. 

I had a whole conclusion planned – an outline of all the “take-away” points we covered this study. But, I’m not going to lie, that’s not what my heart is moving me to write. 

I want to say thank you. 

For, you took time to journey with me through this beautiful letter, this beautiful proclamation of God’s unyielding love for us! Although we may not know one another, I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for you. You have supported my weary little heart so well. 

May we, together, hold each other up as sisters, and never be afraid to speak truth to one another with love, as St. Paul so perfectly demonstrated. And may we, as we continue this often-tumultuous journey to heaven, NEVER doubt God’s love for us and His great gift of salvation. 

Christ proved to us on that cross that we were worth it. 

And this is the reason why a man named Saul experienced a conversion of heart so many years ago on the road to Damascus… he was spoken to of God’s love with authority, and didn’t question the authenticity of God’s love. He had faith, and was transformed by faith. (Acts 9:17-19) And it is St. Paul’s obedience to the truth of Christ that has transformed me throughout this study. The father of lies will do whatever he can to convince us to doubt God’s faithfulness and our worthiness of His gift of the cross. But, it is St. Paul’s witness that cries out, “NO! You were worth it!” 

May we, too, believe in the healing power of the Lord, and may we have the courage to proclaim His love as boldly as St. Paul did to Rome so many years ago. 

May God’s peace be with you today and always, my dear sisters. 

All of my love,
