Pentecost Day 1 // Introduction to Acts
Image by Cailin Valente

Image by Cailin Valente

 2 Timothy 4:11, Colossians 4:14

Hello my Stunning Sisters in Christ! It is so good to be back with you as we begin our adventure in The Acts of the Apostles. This is such a thrilling book to be studying because it is here that we discover the direct link to the foundation of Christianity. It is here that we look to Christ Resurrected and his message for the Church. In the first years after his ascension into Heaven so much is happening! It is here that we realize our heritage as God’s Daughters, Beloveds, and Friends. 

Within these two weeks we will muse the following questions:

  • Who wrote this Book?
  • Who was the audience?
  • What was the time and place?
  • What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
  • How did the Church grow?
  • What are the origins of Christianity?
  • How is our Lord speaking to me individually through the events that have taken place??!!

Okay. Do you have your Bible, prayer journal, and pen ready? Are you in a serene setting where you can hear the quiet whisper of God’s voice? Cell phone off, people away, computer and tablet placed under a blanket/pillow so you won’t get distracted? Okay, splendid. Let’s begin! 

To start with we must ask the question, “Who wrote this book?” The author of Acts does not exactly identify himself (this is also true of the Gospel writer). According to biblical scholars, it is said that Acts was written by the same author as The Gospel of Luke. “An early third-century catalog of books of the New Testament, known as the Muratorium Fragment, names Luke as the author of the Gospel of Luke. This fragment apparently had some authority in Rome around the year 200, and it states that the author who wrote this gospel also wrote the Acts of the Apostles (Liguori Catholic Bible Study).” A reliable ancient writer by the name of Irenaeus, who also wrote during this same era, names Luke as the author of both Luke and Acts. But who is Luke? What kind of man was he? What did he do? Who were his friends? 

We read in other books of the bible that Luke was a companion of Paul. In 2 Timothy 4:11 and  Colossians 4:14 we do hear of Paul speaking about a companion named Luke whom is later identified as ‘the physician.” So basically, Luke was a brilliant passionate writer who was devoted to God. Watch out first century ladies! ;) Furthermore, we know that he was a Greek-speaking Christian writing to an audience of Greek-speaking Christians. By studying the Gospel of Luke we can determine that he was a Gentile Christian who lived outside of Palestine. (Get out a map and check out Palestine if you’re not familiar with this area. I know visuals always help me when learning new information!) Luke’s writings might have been written after Paul’s since there are major differences between events found in each author’s account. 

Reflection:  As I read about Luke I can’t help but be in awe at the difference ONE LIFE MAKES. One simple man, born thousands of years ago, in a desolate desert town, has changed my life. He is now changing yours as you read about him.  I’ve never shaken his hand, heard his voice (was it loud, easy-going, or profound?), looked into his wise knowing eyes, felt the zeal with which he preached breach my bones. Yet, he has impressed his love for Jesus upon my heart. He has changed my life. Sister, you are a Luke to someone. Grasp this truth and never let it go. Your life is altering thousands of live at this exact moment. The question is: whose life? In the words of Big Sean, “One man can change the world.” Shalom. Xoxo.