The first Luminous Mystery happens to be the first sacramental encounter we experience with God, and it is the floodgate that opens up and shines light on the rest of our lives. I happen to think that Baptisms are one of the most beautiful moments to witness within the Catholic Church. I love showing up to Mass on Sundays and being completely surprised when there is a Baptism that morning. The joy on the parents’ faces is so contagious that you cannot help but share in the parents’ delight for their child. This delight is exactly what God experienced during Jesus’ Baptism.
Matthew 3: 16-17 says, After Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove coming upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” I am continually in awe of this Bible passage. Just imagining the Lord saying, “this is my beloved daughter, with whom I am well pleased,” gives me goosebumps. Think about it for a second. Shut your eyes and imagine the Lord speaking to you in such a loving way. Imagine the Lord taking delight in you simply being the person you are in the here and now. It seems like something so unfathomable when I think about the Lord taking delight in me, but it is so true! He takes delight in each and every one of us. We were washed clean in the waters of our Baptisms and the purity of our hearts and souls allowed the Spirit of God to fill our whole beings and fill us with light.
Now, I think we can all understand and relate to the fact that the light from our Baptism does not always shine as bright on certain days. There are days where we are tired, days where we just want to give up, and days where the darkness comes in. These moments are when we are truly called to remember our baptismal vows and live them out. We are called to remember that no matter what, nothing will stand in the way of our relationship with the Lord. Through our Baptism we take the next step to live out the Kingdom of God here on earth and having that relationship with the Lord. When Jesus was baptized He sanctified all waters of Baptisms so that we may join in on His call to work and serve God in His Kingdom.
Through our Baptisms we are given hope for things to come. Even though some days are dark and hard to get through, there is always the hope of heaven. Our Baptisms opened the doors of light into our souls. We need to remember this and we need to remember that every day is a chance to live in light and for God. While praying the Luminous Mysteries take a second to give gratitude to the Lord for the light He gave us in our Baptisms that will never be taken away.
Reflect: How can we take time each day to remember our baptismal vows?
Reflect: When are moments in the day where you truly feel the Lord delighting in your presence?
Act: Take time today to be an example for others and help them to understand that the Lord takes delight in them. Be the light for others today.