The Jesse Tree // Jesus is Wisdom
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Sirach 24:3 Wisdom 8:1

Oh Highest Wisdom Come! 

O Wisdom, you came forth from the mouth of the Most High and, reaching from beginning to end, you ordered all things mightily and sweetly. Come, and teach us the way of prudence. 

Beginning December 17th, the O Antiphons will be recited preceding the Magnificat during Vespers of the Liturgy of the Hours. Each antiphon features a title for Christ and, additionally, references the second coming of our Lord. Evidence of the O Antiphons can be seen in the advent song “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” 

The first O Antiphon, “Jesus is Wisdom,” fills me with a similar feeling I had whenever I would listen to my grandpa tell stories about his time in the service. His fingers were thick and rough from working on the farm, the back of his head was bald, surrounded by short soft grey hair. His head smelled like tobacco and sweat. His laugh was loud and hearty. He was soft, warm, and affectionate. He was the perfect little old man. I kid you not, he literally knew everything. 

In the first antiphon, Jesus IS wisdom. He knows all and sees all. He is the one that lights the path of our entire life. 

When I was a child, I looked up to my grandpa-he was my everything. My grandfather, while totally amazing, was human like all the rest of us. Jesus however, sits at the right hand of our Creator. I’m thinking the thought “Jesus is Wisdom” is quite true. Advent is a wonderful time to begin to put your total and complete trust in the Lord. 

During the advent season we start to prepare for the birth of Christ (and let’s not forget Santa!) We get caught up in the decorations, the gifts, the parties. Lovely sisters, I’m sure we are all guilty of that! While attending mass this weekend the priest suggested we do the following during Advent: sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine the Christ child in your lap. Stroke His hair, tickle His toes, kiss His sweet little cheeks. Let the peace that comes from that moment wash over you. While you scurry around, and worry about various things, think about the Child, and think about all of the wisdom He holds. That baby you are holding-He is the Alpha and the Omega. Take all of your worries, all of your doubts, and your giant Christmas to do list and throw it out. Remember, Jesus IS wisdom. He knows everything and has great plans for you. 

Reflect: One last thought that I will leave with you before I sign off-during vacation bible school, we would often sing the song “Thy Word” I think the chorus is very fitting. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” His word will provide guidance. Let Him guide you through this busy season. 

Act: Remember to take some time during the day to visit with our sweet Baby Jesus.

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