Lent Day 28 // Hymn Saturday
Image by Beautiful Light Photography

Image by Beautiful Light Photography

“You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst.You shall wander far in safety, though you do not know the way.” 

Today’s hymns is one of my favorites. Not only do the melodies and music notes come across so peacefully and just...warm, but the words also remind us of where we, as Christ’s church, have come from.

The lyrics are a HUGE help for someone in my shoes: very type-A, sometimes prone to overthinking things (especially the things I know I cannot control). The first verse is a nod to our Hebrew ancestors as Moses lead them out of Egypt at God’s command. God’s people, lead by Moses, wandered for FOURTY YEARS, and the whole time, God provided for them. They were safe under God’s watchful eye and loving care the entire time. 

“Be not afraid,I go before you always, Come follow Me,and I shall give you rest” 

The chorus is such a peaceful reminder to us: be NOT afraid! Christ is with us, ALWAYS! Even in our darkest hours, He is there to comfort us and give us rest, if we only turn to him. 

“Blessed are your poor,for the Kingdom shall be theirs. Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh.” 

I love that there’s a symmetry in this song, starting out with the Old Testament and including references to the New Testament. This verse comes from the Beatitudes, given to us from Christ at the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:1-11

To me, the Beatitudes are a beautifully articulated list of reminders and goals. When I’m frustrated at work because of someone getting credit for something I did, I try to remember that,

“Blessed are the meek,”

and take a deep breath, and give it to Christ.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy,”

—helpful for when tempers start to flare. The Beatitudes being referenced brings us full circle to the overall theme of this hymn. Don’t be afraid, God is here for us! Let us follow Him, and receive peace! 

“Be not afraid, I go before you always, Come follow Me,and I shall give you rest.” 


1. What Beatitude is hardest for you to keep in mind? Do you struggle more with keeping those in mind, or with “being not afraid,” and giving your stresses and pain to the Lord?

Pray for patience and peace from the Lord when things get tough. Remember to “be not afraid,” and He will give you rest!