Have you ever just looked at your life and thought, “How did I get here?” After 6 years of marriage and two beautiful babies, I have thought that numerous times. Hang with me here! At times, it was positive. I’ve looked at my husband and thought, “Wow, he’s amazing. Why in the world did he choose me?” Then, there are the times when that thought hasn’t had a positive connotation. When our daughter was born five weeks premature, I was constantly second guessing myself during our stay in the hospital and the weeks after we brought her home. I thought, “ I did everything right! What could I have done differently so she would have been born healthy?”
Too often, we think of the negative sides of these questions:. Where is this path taking me? What is the purpose of my life? Why did this goal or dream not work out? Why, Why, Why? When reflecting back upon both of these Psalms, a song comes to mind by Sanctus Real:
So Father, give me the strength
To be everything I’m called to be
Oh, Father, show me the way
To lead them
Won’t you lead me?
I think instead of asking the Father, “How did I get here?” The right question would be “Will you lead me?” Psalm 25:4-5 says
"Lead me in your truth and teach me”
Teach me Lord! Show me how you want me to live my life! Just as a child learns from those closest to him, we too can learn from the Father if when we draw near to Him.
As a child, I shoveled manure, shucked corn and dug potatoes on my grandparents’ farm. I certainly learned to not be afraid of getting dirty! I think the Father teaches us a similar lesson in our spiritual lives. Our lives are not easy. They are indeed work, and the work can be dirty and sweaty. Our relationship with Christ is work. We are judged, taunted, and ostracized for our relationship. These obstacles are all in a day’s work as a disciple. God teaches us that if we put in the work, if we have faith, we will reap the rewards.
What would our lives look like if we weren’t afraid of the work? What would our lives look like if we said “Teach me. Lead me.”? I know if I lived this every day, my life and heart would change for the better. Using God’s example I would forgive more easily and love more deeply. I would stress less and see the good in people first.
Let your heavenly Father lead you through your journey. Let Him show you the path that He has so thoughtfully and lovingly laid out for you. Learn from His example and apply those hard learned lessons every chance you get.
Reflection: What do you think of the path that your life is on right now?
Reflection: Do your plans for the future include the Lord?
Act: Think back on your last week. What lessons has the Lord been trying teach you through your daily experiences? Patience, love, diligence? Attempt to apply those lessons to your daily actions going forward.