Forever Young
Lord, I awake and see your light, For You have kept me through the night, To You I lift my hands and pray, Keep me from sin throughout this day, And if I die before it's done, Save me through Jesus Christ, Your Son.
And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it.Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them. Mark 10:13-16
The words 'simply' and 'real ingredients' are common in grocery stores today. Many women and men seek out 'natural' beauty looks and 'effortless' styles for fashion. How many times have we heard the phrase "less is more"? Jesus didn't ask the disciples to study hebrew extensively, only introduce local scholars to Him, and keep the children out of the temples. "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these...whoever does not accept like a child will not enter." Jesus emphasized His wishes of having children very much part of the religious community, not to be segregated, presumably knowing the children in fact teach the adults.
Jesus rebuked the disciples for attempting to prevent the children from the temple and the teachings. I can remember being young, antsy, aggravated by crying babies, and much more impatient (kind of) than now. I can sympathize with the disciples in wanting church quiet, children seated with their hands folded and listening. I ask you to reflect on your last time in you remember adding to the shopping list or that needed gas stop after Mass? Last year's cold which kept you coughing and sneezing throughout the homily? I don't mean to draw attention to it, but there are times we can distract others, young and old alike.
With age come much convoluting, contradictions, and complexities. Not that children don't experience strife and Jesus dismisses complications, but we are asked to lead a simple life. We are given one commandment-"Love your neighbor." We can study the catechism for hours, attend daily mass and Bible study, learn prayers in latin, teach our children proper etiquette of mass, etc., but God asks us to look past all our assumptions and shortcomings, and love. Love is the foundation of our families and faith, emphasized by parents and Jesus alike. Love is passed on from Jesus to His children, from parents to their children, from God to His child.
Think back to your 10 year old self...if you could give her one piece of advice based on what you have learned thus far, what would it be?
To Jesus through Mary-Michelle Spalla
Image by Adrianna Tucker