“If men only knew what awaits them in eternity, they would do everything to change their lives!”
Most all of us know the background of Fatima and we are blessed immensely on this special 100th anniversary, in that two of the sweet little visionaries, Jacinta and Francisco are to be canonized! What a wonderful way to commemorate the anniversary! It always tugs at my heart to know Mother Mary typically chooses the little ones, or the marginalized in society to appear to. I think she knows they are extra special and of course most pure. Jesus Himself said “let the little ones come to me”, and boy it makes me smile when they do! Despite the controversies that surround any apparition, I have come to realize that Christ isn’t found listening to that man or woman’s opinion of what did or did not happen; He is found in our hearts. I believe the Fatima apparition (and all of Mother Mary’s apparitions) because I feel in my heart they are valid.
The youngest, Jacinta, separated herself from the things of the world to focus her attention of the things of Heaven and was told, “Fly from riches and luxury, love poverty and silence; have charity even for bad people. The sins which lead most souls to hell are the sins of the flesh”. I don’t know about you but for today’s world I can see why that would be true and it is frightening to think about. Our sins affect one another! Fatima gives us another push to be strong in our conviction to do the right thing, not be focused on earthly pleasures and live for Heaven alone. Like any loving Mother, Mama Mary is giving us a warning ahead of time to change our lives for the better. The crisis is a spiritual one and can only be solved if we proclaim the gospel to the world through the help of the Holy Spirit and Mama Mary. She wants to help save us and get us to Heaven with Jesus. In order to help rearrange our priorities and amend our lives, I think St. John Vianney states it perfectly:
“Here is a rule for everyday life: Do not do anything which you cannot offer to God”.
May the message of Fatima resonate in our lives on this special 100th anniversary; “If men only knew what awaits them in eternity, they would do everything to change their lives!”
In offering everything you do each day to God and knowing how wonderful Heaven is; what do you need to shift around in your life that turns out it's not such a priority after all?
Image by thesaintsproject.org