Soul Saturday // Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
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Shortly after our Heart of Mary parish ministry began, I was approached by my friend Joan, seeing us as a Marian ministry she introduced Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.I have always felt this ministry should be open to all suggestions, so Joan and I put the pieces in place to bring it to our Parish. Since then, hundreds of men and women have taken the 33 day journey to total consecration. I too, took that 33 day journey and since then I have never felt closer to our Lord and his Mama.

Because of this devotion, Saint Louis de Montfort has become my favorite Saint! His mission to spread devotion to the Blessed Mother was fierce. There was a time in his ministry where he hit a road block because his spiritual director did not approve of it. So he tied up his boot straps and walked a thousand miles to see the Pope and seek permission to continue his work. The Pope saw Saint Louis' work as a real vocation and sent him on his way with the title of Apostolic Missionary.

If you have considered the beautiful devotion Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and are not quite sure how to get started. Heart of Mary Women Fellowship can help.

We have created an online source that allows you to:

  • Join an online consecration group
  • Receive weekly emails throughout your 33 day journey
  • Link to our facebook page to create community with those who have consecrated
  • Download 33 days of consecration meditations

My heart is so full,  just to be able to share a fraction of this devotion with you. Thanks to Saint Louis it has become my goal to spread it! I pray for the ferocity of Saint Louis de Montfort and pray for you to feel it as well. Let's grab hands and walk this journey together:)

Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort Pray for us

If you would like more information about Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, email Michelle at

Soul Saturday // Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Michelle Workman