"Every human being is loved by God the Father. No one need feel forgotten, for every name is written in the Lord's loving heart." Pope Benedict XVI
Throughout the scriptures God is known by many names. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Almighty, and the great "I am." He is Our Protector, God with Us, and, of course, Our Father.
Over the course of the next two weeks, we'll take a look at what this last term, "God the Father," can mean for us. How it indicates an intimacy with the Great Almighty that we need not be afraid of, that He is calling us into that intimacy, and what that intimacy can mean for us.
Like all of our studies, we've included a study journal for you to download and print. It's free, of course; we only ask that in return, you say a prayer for us.
To be sure, we pray for you.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
The Heart of Mary Women's Fellowship team.
Study Posts

Sometimes my son has nightmares and calls out in the night for me. The fear in his voice is so palpable I break out into a cold sweat myself as I run into his room.
The Fourth Commandment directs us to honor our mother and father. We are instructed to be obedient and to love them with all of our heart.
Do you have someone that you look up to? That, if given the chance, you would like to become just like them?
Have you ever come home late for curfew? (Who me? Never!) Have you ever brought home a guy your parents didn’t approve of? (Again, moi? No!)
Pope Francis said, “Jesus wishes to teach us that we are children of God not because of any merits of our own but because of the infinite love of our heavenly Father.”
Have you ever gone through the day feeling unappreciated, unloved, or worse yet, unnoticed?
As a mother, I have seen firsthand how my child loves me with his unparalleled enthusiasm. Even when I have failed miserably as a mother, my son still runs to me with open arms.
How do you view God? Do you see Him as an ever powerful, almighty, and overwhelming being in the sky somewhere?